Power of Subconscious Mind

A lmost everyone on this planet believes in ultimate power within, which is the source of ideas, aspiration and urges. Yes!!  There exists some power in every individual called the power of Subconscious which causes miracles. This power can help to do attain success in every part of life if learned to use positively. In this article, we are trying to apply the power of the subconscious to attain various achievements in life in different sectors.   Subconscious and the wonders of sleep Your subconscious never sleeps. It always does it job. It controls all the vital functions. Forgive yourself and everyone else before you go to sleep and healing will take place much more rapidly. Before sleeps always believe in the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind, it answers you in a very vivid dream or a vision in the night. Speak to your subconscious at night and claim that its intelligence is guiding you. Wonders will happen if you pray like this. Use of Subconscious...

3 Laws To Improve Your Memory

An average man does not use more than 10 percent of his actual inborn capacity for memory. He wastes the 90 percent by violating the natural laws of remembering.
There are three natural laws of remembering and are very simple to put into use. Briefly, these are; Impression, Repetition, and Association.

1. Impression- The first law of natural remembering is the impression. It can be achieved by concentration. For an average memory person, it will be difficult to remember the names of the person who he met before sometime because he never paid attention to them in the first place.
How to create the impression
a.     The impression can be created by asking the name precisely and repeating it or by asking him how it spelled. The person will be amazed by your interest and you will be able to remember his name.

b.    If you start reading by speaking, two senses work simultaneously to remember the things. First you see what you read and second, you hear what you read. We humans are visual minded and remember more things that we see compared to that we hear. A Chinese proverb that proves it is that “One time see is worth than a thousand time hearing”

2. Repetition- Repetition is the second law of natural remembering. You can remember a huge amount of memory by repetition, but it should not be the mechanical repetition.  An intelligent repetition with the well-established method can do it.
Facts to keep in mind as you repeat
a.     Do not sit down and repeat a thing over and over again until it inscribed in your mind in one sitting that is the type of mechanical repetition. Instead of this repeat once or twice, then drop and came back later and go over again. Repeating at interval enables you to memorize the things in a one-half hour the time required to do it in one sitting.
b.    The new material we have learned, we forget more during the first eight hours than during the 30 days. So, before meeting or business conference, take a look over data and refresh your memory.

 3. Association- The third law of natural remembering is the association. This law says that the only way anything can be remembered is by associating it with some other fact. When you associate one fact with the other that is already in the mind, think over the new facts from all the angles and ask about it such questions: “Why is this so? How is this so? When it is so? Where it is so? Who said it is so?”

By practicing all these laws of natural remembering one can remember a huge data that can be useful in the different activity of life.


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