Power of Subconscious Mind

Almost everyone on this planet believes in ultimate power within, which is the source of ideas, aspiration and urges. Yes!!  There exists some power in every individual called the power of Subconscious which causes miracles. This power can help to do attain success in every part of life if learned to use positively. In this article, we are trying to apply the power of the subconscious to attain various achievements in life in different sectors.
 Subconscious and the wonders of sleep
Your subconscious never sleeps. It always does it job. It controls all the vital functions. Forgive yourself and everyone else before you go to sleep and healing will take place much more rapidly. Before sleeps always believe in the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind, it answers you in a very vivid dream or a vision in the night. Speak to your subconscious at night and claim that its intelligence is guiding you. Wonders will happen if you pray like this.
Use of Subconscious for Wealth
Your subconscious mind multiplies and magnifies whatever you deposit in it. Every day you deposit thought of wealth, prosperity and peace. These constructive thoughts will find a way to deposit in your subconscious and bring abundance and prosperity. Always be bold to think it’s my right to be rich and the subconscious mind will honor your claim.
 Use of Subconscious for Success 
Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy, joyous and doing what you love, you are successful. Try to learn more about your specialized field and be good at than anyone. There is no success without peace of mind. Repeat the word success to yourself frequently with faith and conviction and you will be under a subconscious completion to succeed.
 Use of Subconscious for Mind and Happiness
Happiness comes in unanswered prayer. When you open your eyes in the morning, say to yourself I choose happiness today. I choose right action today. I choose to love and goodwill for all today. You must desire to be happy. Nothing is accomplished without desire. Desire is a wish with the wing of imagination and faith.
Use of Subconscious for removal of fear
Do the thing you are afraid to do, and death of fear is certain. Say to yourself and mean it, “I am going to master this fear,” and you will. You can overcome any fear by knowing the power of your subconscious mind. Give your immediate attention and devotion to your desire which is just opposite to your fear. If you are afraid of failure, give your attention to success.
These are some of the following points from the book “The power of the subconscious mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy.


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