Power of Subconscious Mind

A lmost everyone on this planet believes in ultimate power within, which is the source of ideas, aspiration and urges. Yes!!  There exists some power in every individual called the power of Subconscious which causes miracles. This power can help to do attain success in every part of life if learned to use positively. In this article, we are trying to apply the power of the subconscious to attain various achievements in life in different sectors.   Subconscious and the wonders of sleep Your subconscious never sleeps. It always does it job. It controls all the vital functions. Forgive yourself and everyone else before you go to sleep and healing will take place much more rapidly. Before sleeps always believe in the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind, it answers you in a very vivid dream or a vision in the night. Speak to your subconscious at night and claim that its intelligence is guiding you. Wonders will happen if you pray like this. Use of Subconscious...

Secrets of Self-Made Millionaire

Financial independenceIn today age more people are becoming a millionaire than ever before. More than 90% of the successful people started off broke. All these people failed many times before they finally get the right opportunity to build their success. Every success is the result of doing certain things over and over again until you achieve the desired goal.
If we do the things what other successful people do we can also be on the roads to riches. Today almost all successful people were average people in past, but they follow the path to other successful people and started working like them over and over again until they achieve their own success.

There are 21 Secrets of a self-made millionaire by Brian Tracy. Which are the result of his study, research, and personal experience for more than 15 years. You can also learn all these secrets by continuously working on them until they become very common to you.

Secret#1 Dreams Big Dreams
The first secret of a self-made millionaire is dream big dream. Allow yourself to dream and fantasize about the life you want to live and the money you want in your bank account. Every journey of life started with dreaming. Create a vision for yourself in the future. The more clear the vision is the faster you move towards it and it towards you. Any person who has a clear and determined goal he becomes more positive and motivated while chasing his goals. When you created a particular defined goal you leave the poor mentality behind and you begin to change the way to see yourself in life.

Secret#2- Develop a Clear Sense of Direction
You become what you think most of the time. Successful people think about their goals most of the time. Whatever we think most of the time grow and increases in our life. From now on think about your goal all the time and how it can be achieved.

Secret#3- See Yourself as Self-Employed
Accept that you are responsible for your own fate. Do not criticize for the things that you cannot control. Think of yourself as the self-employed of your own personal service corporation, it's no matter where are you working. This thinking generates the ability to make things happen and not to wait for things to happen.

Secret#4- Do What You Love to Do
One of the primary responsibilities in life is to find the things that you love to do and then absorbed fully in that work. Find a job or area that completely fascinates you. When we do things that we love to do we have a continuous flow of excitement, idea, and energy.

Secret#5- Commit to Excellence
Everyone who is in the top today started with the bottom. The decision to become the top 10% in your field is the turning point of your life. It is the key to success. Being excellent affects your whole personality and relationship with other people. You cannot become excellent at everything so choose one and go for the excellence.

Secret#6- Work Longer and Harder
The harder you work the luckier you get. Practice 40 Plus formula. The formula says that you work 40 hours per week for survival like every mediocre and if you work over 40 hours then every hour over 40 is an investment for future.

Secret#7- Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning
Every self-made millionaire learns things continuously that increases their ability and intelligence in a particular field. The mind is a muscle, it grows when we use it more or train it more like other body parts that we grow in the gym by training them. To earn more you must first learn more.

Secret#8- Pay Yourself First
Save and invest at least 10 percent part of your monthly income throughout life. Developing the habit of saving and investing is not easy. It required determination. Every month while you receive your salary put 10 percent of your income side for savings and live on 90 percent remaining.

Secret#9- Learn Every Detail of Your Business
A self-made millionaire learns every aspect of the business which makes them extraordinary and they get excellence reward for that. Set your goal to be the best in the field that you are working on by reading or working all the stuff available to that particular field and update it from time to time.

Secret#10- Dedicate Yourself to Serving Other
All successful people have one thing in common they continue to think about their customer and how they can serve them better. One small change in your service can create great wealth for you. Never stop to adopt new changes for better serving to the customer.

Secret#11- Be Absolutely Honest With Yourself
Your character is a most important asset that you develop in your entire life. All successful business build on trust. Your success in becoming a self-made millionaire depends on the people who trust you.

Secret#12- Determine Your Highest Priorities and Concentrate on Them Single-Mindedly
To work single-mindedly we must first know our priorities. Your ability to know your priorities and work on them until they completed is the test of self-discipline and willpower.

Secret#13- Develop a Reputation for Speed and Dependability
People in the 21st century are in a hurry they want everything to be completed or served in less time. The customer can change their supplier overnight if they found someone who is delivering the product in less time. Develop a sense of urgency and move quickly when people need something.

Secret#14- Be Prepared to Climb From Peak to Peak
Life is a process of two steps forward and one step back. Keep reminding yourself that everything in life moves in ups and down cycle. Do not get frustrated be calm and confident about your goal.

Secret#15- Practice Self-Discipline in All Things
Self-discipline is the most important ability of successful people that require self-control, self-responsibility, self-mastery, and self-direction. If you can discipline your life to do what should you do, when you should do it, whether you like it or not, your success is guaranteed.

Secret#16- Unlock your Inborn Creativity
Your creativity is encouraged by three factors: first, intensely desired goal; second, pressing problem; third, focused questions.  The more your focus on achieving your goal, solving your problem and facing a tough question regarding your business or personal life the intelligent you become and your mind works better in future.

Secret#17- Get Around the Right People
85 percent of your success and happiness in life is determined by the quality of the relationship that you develop in business or personal activities. Associate with people who are optimistic and have a goal and are moving forward in life.

Secret#18- Take Excellent Care Of Physical Health
There are three points to live a long and happy life. The first is to get into the proper weight to remain lean and fit for the rest of your life. The second is to have a proper diet plan to maintain yourself fit and the third is exercise regularly at least 30 minutes per day.

Secret#19- Be Decisive and Action Oriented
All successful people are decisive and try more things than any average person. If they found their mistake they quickly work to improve it. If you try more ways to be successful, eventually you will find one that will make you successful.

Secret#20- Never Allow Failure to be An Option
It is the fear of failure that paralyzes your thought and activity and always keep you away to live your dreams. If you want success fast you must double the rate of failures. Always go for calculated risk in the direction of your goal to achieve greater rewards.

Secret#21- Pass the “Persistence Test”
All your life is a test. To have a great success you must pass the persistence test. Be the person who never quits, no matter what difficulty is, because every problem has a solution.

I have read all these secrets from the Brian Tracy book “21 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaire”



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