Power of Subconscious Mind

A lmost everyone on this planet believes in ultimate power within, which is the source of ideas, aspiration and urges. Yes!!  There exists some power in every individual called the power of Subconscious which causes miracles. This power can help to do attain success in every part of life if learned to use positively. In this article, we are trying to apply the power of the subconscious to attain various achievements in life in different sectors.   Subconscious and the wonders of sleep Your subconscious never sleeps. It always does it job. It controls all the vital functions. Forgive yourself and everyone else before you go to sleep and healing will take place much more rapidly. Before sleeps always believe in the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind, it answers you in a very vivid dream or a vision in the night. Speak to your subconscious at night and claim that its intelligence is guiding you. Wonders will happen if you pray like this. Use of Subconscious...

Subconscious Mind And Its Existence

There are many proofs of miracles in this world. Some say these are due to the power of GOD, the result of our prayer and some unexplainable reason.  Everyone wants the answers, why some men are happy and some are sad, why some are fearful and some are full of confidence?  Why is one man healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn’t? Is there an answer to these questions in the working of your conscious and subconscious minds? There most certainty is.

The power of prayer
A personal healing will ever be the most convincing evidence of our subconscious power. Everybody prays in an emergency, in danger and illness. Then why some people’s prayer is answered.  Prayers are answered when the individual's subconscious response to the mental picture in mind. The power of the subconscious would liberate you completely from the limitation of poverty, failure, misery.  You have to unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody and the creative power of your subconscious will respond accordingly.

The Conscious & Subconscious Minds
Take an example and look mind as a garden. You are a gardener and you are planting seeds (thoughts) in your subconscious mind. As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.  If you plant peace happiness in your subconscious mind all these qualities are been fully accepted by in the conscious mind. And the mind will work to attain full peace and happiness from the surrounding and vice versa.  
Likewise, the conscious mind is the captain of the ship, represented as a body, and your subconscious mind takes order based upon it and accept it as true. If you say and believe that you cannot afford a thing its automatically gets feed in the subconscious and sees that you will not be any position to have that purchase.
All these miracles in life are due to the subconscious mind which can be achieved by believing in you. Be motivated and never say no to things that you want. 
By believing in subconscious power you can achieve health, wealth, success, Sleep, meditation power, best human relation, forgiveness and can remove mental blocks.


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