Power of Subconscious Mind

A lmost everyone on this planet believes in ultimate power within, which is the source of ideas, aspiration and urges. Yes!!  There exists some power in every individual called the power of Subconscious which causes miracles. This power can help to do attain success in every part of life if learned to use positively. In this article, we are trying to apply the power of the subconscious to attain various achievements in life in different sectors.   Subconscious and the wonders of sleep Your subconscious never sleeps. It always does it job. It controls all the vital functions. Forgive yourself and everyone else before you go to sleep and healing will take place much more rapidly. Before sleeps always believe in the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind, it answers you in a very vivid dream or a vision in the night. Speak to your subconscious at night and claim that its intelligence is guiding you. Wonders will happen if you pray like this. Use of Subconscious...

Self Image and Its Importance

A book “How to be your own best friend “ ask a penetrating question” If we cannot love yourself, where will we draw our love for anyone else?” Similarly, another book entitled “ Born to Win” its says that a person is born to win, but throughout a lifetime, as a result of negative social, he is conditioned to lose. You cannot consistently perform in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself.

Poor Self Image and its Causes
If self-image is important then why so many people have a poor self-image?
Ø The first Cause is that we live in a negative social and deal with negative people. Poor self-image, commonly known as Inferiority complex, is often carried into adulthood and if fed by a negative person, it increases gradually.
Ø The second cause is the tendency to confuse failure in a project with failure in life. A child who fails in class often makes the mistake of identifying the failure with a failure in life itself. This is basically reinforced by their Teachers/ Parents.
Ø The third cause is an unrealistic and unfair comparison of experiences. we generally make the mistake of comparing our experiences with another personal experience. Experience has nothing to do with ability. everyone has its own skill, talent, aptitude, and experience. Instead of feeling inferior why not concentrate on what you can do that other can’t?
Ø The fourth cause is comparing your worst features with the someones best one. Take what you have and use it and your talent will be increased, which brings more reward. Also, people set some unrealistic and unachievable goals and standards. When they fail, they never forgive themselves.
Poor self-image people quickly reveal themselves by their critical and jealous nature. The noticeable manifestation of a poor self-image is the way a person reacts to criticism and laughter. They can’t stand if they suspect that someone else is laughing at them.
Steps to Healthy Self Image
Ø Step 1: Makeup, Dress Up, Go Up, the way you look on the outside has a definite bearing on how you feel and see yourself inside.
Ø Step 2: Read the biographies and the autobiographies of men and women of every race, creed and color who used,  what they had and got a great deal out of a life by making contributions to life.
Ø Step 3: Listen to the speakers, teachers, and preachers who build mankind.
Ø Step 4: Join the smile and compliment club. When you smile at someone and they smile back, you automatically feel better. Similar to the compliment.
Ø Step 5: Do something for someone else. Visit someone in the hospital; help to literate the illiterate, be a brother for the orphan. No one is useless in this world who lightness the burden of it to anyone else.
Ø Step 6: Make a list of your positive qualities on a card and keep it for handy reference.
Ø Step 7: Make a victory list to remind of your past success. The list should include those things that gave you immense confidence and satisfaction.
Ø Step 8: Join an organization with the worthwhile goals that require you to participate by speaking.

Nobody on the face of this earth can make you feel inferior without your permission. You will make a lousy anybody else, but you are the best “you” in existence. Once a person accepts himself, it isn't imperative that others accept him. The new you with your healthy self-image, will not have to worry about his problem in near future. The way you see yourself will determine which one you will be. The choice is yours!


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